Frequently asked questions

Should actors be long-lived or short-lived?

General guidance is that actors should be long-lived. There’s a historical reason here (Erlang patterns are typically long-lived gen_servers). The other reason, internally to ractor, is there’s non-trivial overhead spawning and creating the actor. Not only from the real actor spawn, creating necessary dependent resources and actor ref’s, but also from any overhead incurred in the actor’s pre_start routine.

The tl;dr; here is spawning off an actor to do a single task is generally discouraged.

Why is the actor’s state separate from the actor’s self?

This was an initial design choice when building ractor. The reason is somewhat complex, but it relates to creation of the state. For one thing, if the actor’s state was just the actor’s self, that would mean that the creation of that actor instance occurred somewhere else. This means that if during the initialization, it were to have an unhandled error or panic! it wouldn’t be caught in that actor’s startup routine.

Either that or there would need to be a lot of boiler-plate logic so that self is half-initialized elsewhere and then finished initialization in pre_start of the fallible bits. Therefore it was decided to utilize a separate state struct which is fully-owned by the actor runtime, and is only instantiated within the wrapped pre_start routine. This way unhandled panic!s and errors are handled and can be cleanly managed.

Timers and periodic operations

In actor models, you generally don’t want to block the actor waiting for a period to elapse. A simple periodic operation example you might do in normal async processing might be

async fn periodic() {
    loop {


If you did this in an actor’s handle() function it would prevent the actor’s message pump to process any other messages. In order to avoid this, we provide the ractor::time module which exposes actor-friendly timed operations.

You generally have 2 choice for timed operations with actors, a “delay” (send_after) or a periodic operation which will send a message at a set frequency (send_interval). To rebuild our example above in an actor, you might have

async fn handle(&self, myself: ActorRef<Self::Msg>, message: Self::Msg, state: &mut Self::State) -> Result<(), ActorProcessingErr> {
    match message {
        Self::Msg::DoSomething => {
    myself.send_after(Duration::from_millis(100), || Self::Message::DoSomething);

In this model, the underlying framework will send a message to the actor after the period elapses so the actor’s message handler does the necessary processing on a period.

Factories: Managing the queue for an actor and parallel processing

What happens when you want the following behavior in an actor context?

  1. A bounded queue, with backpressure support, for an actor
  2. Parallel processing of messages (beyond a single sequential processor)

This is where you want to start looking at a Factory. The documentation on the introduction to a factory has a good overview for the motivation and use-cases for a factory, however the tl;dr is that a factory manages a pool of workers which are discrete processing units. They are all identical for a given factory, and the factory is responsible for dispatching work and managing queueing.

The factory can be used with a single worker as well, which essentially gives you automated maintenance of the worker lifecycle along with queueing management.

Some related discussions/issues which might be relevant if you have a question!

  1. Concurrent long-running async tasks: Issue 133
  2. Why jobs aren’t cloneable Issue 91
  3. Performance discussions Discussion 92

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